5-Gallon Dura-Rubber Pond Kit
5-Gallon Dura-Rubber Pond Kit

5-Gallon Dura-Rubber Pond Kit

Dura-Rubber 100% waterproof and resistant to most everyday chemicals, including diesel and chlorine. Dura-Rubber used in hundreds of different applications from Department of Defense shipping containers, Koi ponds and gym floor mats. Dura-Rubber it is a truly versatile product. While it’s as tough as an epoxy it is easy to use as a latex paint. It can be cleaned up easily by lightly scrubbing with just soap and warm water before it is dry. Dura-Rubber is engineered to have a low impact on the environment and is 100% safe to handle even without the use of gloves or a respirator. The liquid rubber waterproofing and sealing process couldn’t be simpler, and with hundreds of different colors to choose from, you’ll always end up with a clean, effective, and attractive final product.




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What our customers say

I first purchased rubberizeit over 5 years ago to protect our house in Louisiana from the flooding.Every year Rita and I would have to dry out carpet and fix damaged drywall from flooding.I removed 12” of siding and replaced it with cement board and waterproofed it with rubberizeit. For five years our house has been dry. I painted my house this year and the rubberizeit I put on five years ago was black I purchased a five of rubberizeit and they were able to tint it to match my house.Thank you Mr Paul

Lloyd & Rita Landry


I had the opportunity to work the rubberizeit team. They are in Oregon and I am I Texas. I was looking to refresh my pool/spa via high end paint vs a costly re-plaster. Their paint was a perfect solution. I needed 20-25 gallons to get two full coats. Although there was a small snag with my initial order the rubberizeit customer service team jumped into action and handled all my questions and even provided additional paint to resolve the earlier snag with the initial order. Impressed with the product and the company.


Steve Bacon


Rubberize It! liquid rubber coating was the perfect solution for me. By painting the bonding layer up my walls, into my corners, and down my pitches there was no folding, pleating, or splicing I needed to do and it made one integral coating. Next I laid down my mesh, since this is thin mesh and not a water impervious sheet, I could just lay it and push it into my bonding layer and it created a continuous layer across my entire surface and all my abutments. This year I need to build two more decks on opposite corners of the house. Two more batches of Rubberize It! liquid rubber please. Thank you for providing me this great solution that fit my custom project.

Kenny Parton


Hi Paul the boat is finished and I am impressed with the Rubberizeit paint. It is a tough finish I am very happy with the results. Dave

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Top quality and long product life with no replacement parts required.



No animals were used in the development of this product.



USB rechargeable with up to 125 uses per single charge.



Made of bacteria-resistant silicone, easy to clean.

Product Application Photos

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Frequently asked questions

Dry times and curing times?
Drying is 3-5 hours per coat , curing time after the final coat. before you fill with water is 5-7 days depending on temperature and humidity. Temperature below 55 degrees and Humidity Above 55% will slow dry and cure times. 

If you apply new coats after the coating has cured you must follow the same process as above.

To test if it is cured. After five days sprinkle some water on the coating if it turns light in color it is not fully cured if it stays the same you are good to fill.

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